iPhone 6 Plus doubles data of iPhone 6
/Source: citrix.com
Using an iPhone 6 Plus? Well it looks like you’ll need to have a robust data plan to go along with it. Citrix, in their latest mobile analytics report, highlight average data use across all models of the iPhone, dating back to the 3GS (2009). While it doesn’t come as a surprise that modern iPhone are consuming more data than a model from 6 years ago, what is surprising is the difference between the current iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus.
On average the iPhone 6 plus generates 2 times the amount of data of the iPhone 6. Citrix propose that the difference is due to users treating their iPhone 6 Plus more like a tablet than a traditional smart phone.
“iPhone 6 Plus subscribers generate the most data volume, double that of an iPhone 6. This increase impacts subscribers when choosing a new device – be careful to select a data plan that matches your super-sized screen.
Clearly the phablet sized iPhone 6 Plus shows data usage patterns more akin to tablet usage. For mobile operators, this increase provides an opportunity to shift subscriber Wi-Fi usage towards mobile networks.”
If you have, or are thinking of getting, an iPhone 6 Plus make sure you get a data plan to match.
Read the entire Citrix report here