Microsoft's Windows 10 Event
On Tuesday 6th October, Microsoft held a media event focusing on their latest software, Microsoft Windows 10, along with new devices. Here is a highlight of the key points from their event:
- Microsoft reveals three new mobile phones in the Lumia series. The first is the Lumia 950, being able to run windows 10. It is available in November at US $549. The second model revealed was the Lumia 950 XL, which is a larger version of the Lumia 950, also available in November at US $649. Finally, a cheaper model was revealed, the Lumia 550 at US $139, designed to make it easier for people to join the Microsoft family. This model is available in December.
- The Display Dock. This device is the latest attempt to turn our smartphones into a desktop PC. The best part about this display dock is that if you connect the latest Lumia models to this dock and to a monitor, it will scale up so that it looks like we are experiencing Windows 10 on a standard PC.
- The Surface Pro 4 officially announced, comes with a 12.3 inch display, and can have up to 1 terabyte of storage. This device will be available later this month, on October 26th, with prices starting at US $899.
- Microsoft enters the Laptop industry, with their Surface Book. This new laptop has a 13.5 inch display, along with a 12 hour battery life, and the screen can be safely detached to provide the Surface experience. The Surface Book is available on October 26th, with prices starting at US $1,499.
- Microsoft introduces their smartwatch competitor, the Microsoft Band. Meant to be the ultimate fitness device. Available October 30th at US $249.
For more information on what was announced at the Microsoft Windows 10 Event, click here